Heading to VON

Tomorrow (Tuesday April 1), I'll be speaking at Kevin Werbach's mini-Supernova going on at the Spring VON conference down at the San Jose Convention Center.  I'll be on a panel from 3:30 - 4:45PM with Duncan Davidson, Doc Searls, and Kevin Werbach, and the topic is Decentralized Communications.  Hey, just come and see "pretty boy" Davidson (Duncan, where did you get that picture?) and the slim and svelte Searls, two of the best looking technology luminaries at the conference.  Seriously, it should be a great time as we discuss weblogging, wifi, and web services.  The folks at Pulver have also set up a blog and a trackback page, so if you're at the show or just blogging about it, you can shoot over a trackback ping to get listed.