Rasmus Lerdorf at BALUG (San Francisco) Tuesday March 18, 7PM

Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of PHP, will be giving a talk at the Bay Area Linux Users Group at the Four Seas Restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown.  Rasmus is a great speaker, and he always puts on a interesting talk.  I haven't heard him talk in about a year, which means that he's sure to blow my mind with all of the cool new things you can do with PHP.  Last year is was dynamically-generated flash animations, I wonder what it'll be this time?  Rasmus is sure to have lots to talk about as well, as he's been busy helping Yahoo convert all of its web services to use PHP.  Talk about real-world scalability issues!  I can't wait.

You don't need to be a member of BALUG to come to the event, but it would be polite if you RSVP'd so that we had a decent count of who was coming.  BALUG is one of the oldest Linux Users groups in the world - it has been going continuously since 1994, and there's always a fantastic Chinese dinner served before the speaker gets going.  It costs $10 for the dinner, or you can eat elsewhere and just come for the talk.  There will also be some good door prizes including books and Linux CDs, and the networking is always fun as well.  And of course, dear reader, I will be there as the master of ceremonies. :-)