106 Miles talk/dinner Tuesday 2/8 7PM

I'll be the featured guest tomorrow night at ' second event.

106 Miles is a networking group for entrepreneurial engineers in Silicon Valley. The plan is to get together once a month in a casual atmosphere, have a couple beers and a slice, and ask questions of an invited guest who has good stories to tell about starting a tech company. It's basically a geek kegger with a slightly more directed chat in the middle. See for more info.


Chevy's, 2907 El Camino Real, Redwood City


Tuesday, February 8, 2005, at 7PM.


The topic is: "Third Time's The Charm: the joys of serial entrepreneurship"

You can still RSVP if you're interested in going, drop an email to Joyce Park: truitejeunefille AT yahoo dot com. Sounds like a neat group, and I heard that last month's speakers (Joe Kraus and Graham Spencer of Excite/JotSpot) were great. See you there!
