Help us celebrate 1 Billion Links tracked!

This Thursday, March 31, 2005, Technorati will host a user salon to bring together Technorati staff and users for face-to-face discussions. The event will take place at Chevys at 3rd St. and Howard St. in San Francisco (maps and directions below).

We will deliver a short presentation about what is new in the blogosphere, including some new stats. The world of weblogs has been through a lot of change in the ten months since our last user salon last May. We would like to bring together the community to have a conversation about the last few months in the world of weblogs and discuss how Technorati may be of service in the future.

We're also approaching the milestone of a Billion links tracked in the Technorati database. as of this writing, we are at 990,172,347 links tracked, and at this rate, we'll hit 1 Billion links before the end of the week. Come and celebrate with us the amazing growth of the Blogosphere. We're also planning some fun stuff, more to come in the next post.

Here's the details on the event:

Technorati Users Salon
Thursday, March 31, 2005 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Chevys Restaurant, 201 3rd St., San Francisco, CA 94103
Yahoo! Maps
Google Maps

Thursday is the seven year anniversary of the release of Netscape Communicator 5.0 source code and the creation of the Mozilla project. In celebration of this milestone Technorati and Chevys will donate 20% of the bill to the Mozilla Foundation.

Technorati will provide appetizers and drinks for approximately 50 people. Please RSVP to and let us know how many people you are bringing so we can plan the event space, food, and drink.