New Technorati UI redesign is now live on

We hit a major milestone today when we moved our new Technorati redesign out of public beta and made it live on There's even a new Technroati corporate blog to boot, and you can read all about the features of the new redesign.

This has been primarily a User interface refresh and facelift, but there's also a bunch of backend lifting we've been doing, especially the new code to separate sidebar links from post links when checking out who is linking to your blog, like this. It isn't perfect yet (we still miss some blogrolls and count them as posts) but I hope that it makes things much easier for your power bloggers out there who have been trying to sift through the duplicates and blogroll links in your results. We're also still working on ironing out some link count issues, and we're constantly working on improving performance and scalability. I can't wait to hear all of your feedback, and get down in the trenches to keep making things better.

Onward and upward! Congratulations to the whole Technorati team for making this happen. You guys totally rocked. I'm humbled to be able to share an office with all of you.

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